Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How To Photograph Christmas Lights With Your D90!

Here's a few links to Taking pictures of Christmas lights and things. Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone!
Strobist - How to Photograph Christmas Lights! - Christmas lights photography Video Better Digital Photography - How to Photograph Christmas Lights


  1. I took over 3,200 photos with my Nikon D90 in the first 90 Days.
    Check out the short film I made comprising all my photos.

    I came up with the idea for 90D90 and would love to have more submissions from the Nikon D90 Community, but I extend the idea of 90DAYS to all camera users to enjoy. So please send in your submissions!

  2. Just a quick note that the D90 does allow zooming while recording... their lenses all have manual zooms, just rotate the ring... Also, it has AMAZING low light capabilities -- deep blacks, no noise, bright colors, incredible dynamic range.

    r4 dsi
