Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is the Nikon D90 Being Replaced, Really?

Well I hate to say it but each day now I’m see more and more reports that the d90 is about to be replaced. Nikon Rumors is reporting that stores are already removing the d90 stock for the new replacement! They say it might now be called the D8000?. I guess it was going to happen sooner or later but this seems a little too soon for me, especially since the d90 is probably one of their best sellers….. I don’t think I’ll be getting read of my D90 for quite some time. Regardless of how much they pressure me to upgrade to the replacement model. The announcement is rumored to be the middle of august. Stay Tuned for more information.

Update: Turned out to be called the D7000

Update: Rumored to be called the Nikon D95 - 8/2/2010

So what do you all think about this whole D90 Replacement already?


  1. Well, I think that sucks. Specially because I just got my D90. I love it anyway. If it's true, I can't wait to see what features this new one has.

  2. How can they possibly improve on the D90? I love mine.

  3. I think there may be only so many bells and whistles that you can put on a camera before it becomes a huge hassle to carry around for pictures. The D-90 is just about right! Any more and I may have to keep the manual in my pocket so I remember which button to push.

  4. Seems like any "improvements" to this would be secondary to a photographer's needs ie: articulated screen, 1080 Video, etc. The D90 will remain a very high quality camera for the semi-serious photographer. Higher FPS would be nice with the battery grip; but I can't see the logic of upgrading to anything other than a full sensor rig.

  5. I'm with Ben... my upgrade choices would be a full sensor rig. While disappointed, I've gotten a lot of use out of my two D90's and plan to shoot with them for at least another year and a half.

    I'm a pretty heavy shooter (semi-pro wedding photographer) and these machines have performed flawlessly for me.

    I took advantage of the price breaks last year and grabbed a 2nd D90, loving it!

  6. I have had a D90 a little over a month--what a camera! Why mess with success? I guess that's the mindset of capitalism. I only hope they don't trade quality for money!

  7. All things change. Onward and upward!

  8. I've had my D90 since Mother's Day this year and it spent 2 weeks of that period at Ritz camera to be repaired! On some other blogs I saw that there are know issues with the D90. Anybody else?

  9. Interesting Cathy...I haven't heard of any problems with the D90. With so many D90 sold there is going to be a few bad apples...Sorry to hear you got one...
